From Founder to First Job: Tatiana Chin

This time last year, the idea for CHICKS was just hatching in the minds of founders Venisha Pendergrass, Tatiana Chin and Liana Miller. Now, Tati is “adulting” out in the real world as a security consultant for IBM.

One of the biggest perks of her job? Her ability to travel. She’s been in the United Kingdom on a project for the past few weeks but will head out of the Queen’s domain soon. Where to next? She doesn’t know! The nature of her job is that she gets to city-hop, and she loves it.

CHICKS allowed Tati to combine her knack for helping others ignite their careers with passion for empowering women to create a truly one-of-a-kind experience. Since CHICKS, she believes she’s begun to think more strategically. In college, she says, she used to think of life in semesters and short chunks of time. Being in the real world has allowed her to transition to thinking in terms of long-term investments. Each move she makes is a stepping stone toward her future.

When asked about what the real world is really like, she laughs and replies, “It’s getting paid to do your homework instead of paying to do your homework!”

The downside to adulting? It doesn’t stop. Once you get going, adulting is the longest period of your life. You don’t get a real break until you retire, which is both terrifying and exciting at the same time.

Tati is a truly successful CHICK. When asked if she had any advice for future CHICKS attendees and for women as they begin to enter the workforce, she gave us three MAJOR keys:

1.     Ask questions—constantly. The key many successful professionals in the real world utilize is committing themselves to continuing to learn. Whether it be technical expertise acquired on the job or just life knowledge you pick up, never stop learning or questioning.

2.     Don’t take yourself too seriously. That’s it. It’s that simple.

3.     Be authentic and true to who you are. You don’t have to be a different person at work and at home. Of course you need to keep it professional, but your work environment should allow you to be yourself always.

To learn more about Tati’s life in the real world, check out her website:

You can also connect with her on LinkedIn.